Date:2021-08-23 / Modified:2021-08-23
This group was established for the purpose of promoting “education through theatre” Since 1996, the group has been conducting studies, focusing on the “promotion and development of theatre education” “theories and methodologies of theatre education” and “acting games for children”
We assemble semi-regularly (every month or every two months) to study about Theatre and Drama in Education (regular seminar), issue an annual journal Japanese Journal of Research in Drama and Theatre Education (since 2008), and hold a general meeting once a year.
At the regular seminar, participants make presentations about their activities and academic accomplishments. Anyone is welcome to participate. (You do not need to be a member of the group.) If you are interested, please contact us at:
Executive Office, Theatre and Drama in Education
Theatre Studies, Tokyo-Gakugei-University,
4-1-1, Nukui-Kitamachi,Koganei-shi, Tokyo zip-code 184-8501
Tel:042-329-7286, Fax:042-329-7286, or
The regular seminar is held at the Tokyo-Gakugei-University (10 minutes by bus from Musashi-Koganei station or 15 minutes’ walk from Kokubunji station on JReast Chuo-Line).
The website of the Theatre and Drama in Education is available.
We very much appreciate your comments and opinions.