History and Current Status | Japanese Society for Theatre Research - beta -

History and Current Status

  • Jun.,1949

    Held the inaugural meeting at the Theatre Museum of Waseda University, with 128 members
    Jul., Elected KAWATAKE Shigetoshi as the first chairperson at the first board meeting

  • 1950

    Published the first issue of the Society’s scholarly journal (Three issues were published between 1950 and 1952.)

  • Oct.,1953

    Held the inaugural meeting at the Kansai Branch of Kyoto University Elected YAMAMOTO Shûji as the first branch chief

  • 1957

    First published the Annals of the Japanese Society for Theatre Research

  • May.,1961

    Published the requests regarding the crisis of Kabuki

  • Jan.,1962

    Published the requests regarding the preservation of Bunraku

  • Nov.,1963

    Published the report regarding “farming village stages” of Hyogo Prefecture and the report of “Kabuki stages” of Kobe City

  • Dec.,1967

    Elected SHUZUI Kenji as the second chairperson at the board meeting following the death of chairperson KAWATAKE Shigetoshi

  • Mar.,1968

    Decided to establish the Kawatake Award of the Japanese Society for Theatre Research (The award was called the “Kawatake Incentive Award” until 1973.)

  • 1975

    Established the Modern Japanese Theatre History Working Group, the sectional meeting of the Society

  • Nov.,1977

    Elected Yasuo Suga as the second branch chief of the Kansai Branch

  • May.,1984

    Elected ENDÔ Shingo as the third chairperson at the general meeting

  • 1985

    Established two sectional meetings: the Working Group of Theatre and the Education and Working Group of Kabuki (TheWorking Group of Kabuki was dissolved in 1987.)

  • May,1987

    Published the requests regarding the promotion of the “Education by Theatre”

  • May,1988

    Elected KURAHASHI Ken as the fourth chairperson at the general meeting
    Established the Comparative Theatre Working Group, a sectional meeting
    Became the registered working group of the Science Council of Japan
    The group first belonged to the First Section Language and Literature Liaison Committee and then to the Art Studies Liaison Committee
    Currently belongs to the Association of the Art-Related Societies

  • Jun,1990

    Elected KAWATAKE Toshio as the fifth chairperson at the general meeting
    Established the Japanese Modern and Contemporary Drama
    Wroking Group, a sectional meeting of the Kansai Branch (The name was changed to Modern and Contemporary Theatre Working Group in 1998.)

  • Apr,1996

    Elected MÔRI Mitsuya as the sixth chairperson at the general meeting

  • 1997

    Launched the official website of the Society (located on the official website of Tamagawa University)

  • Apr.,1998

    Elected KONDÔ Kôichi as the third branch chief of the Kansai Branch at the Branch’s executive meeting

  • May.,1999

    Revised the “Bylaws of Japanese Society for Theatre Research” and he “Bylaws of Electing the Members of the Board of Directors and Chairmen” (effective January 1st 2000)
    Published Record of the Society for Theatre Research 1949-1999, commemorating the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Society
    Changed the name of the Society’s scholarly journal The Journal of the Japanese Society for Theatre Research to Theatre Studies:Journal of Japanese Society for Theatre Research
    The change took effect on and after the 37th issue.
    The Kansai Branch issued YAMAMOTO Shùji’s Study.

  • May.,2000

    Elected GONDÔ Yoshikazu as the fourth branch chief of the Kansai Branch at the branch’s executive meeting

  • 2001

    Initiated the Theatre Education Project, Working Group (dissolved in 2004)

  • Sep.,2002

    Transferred the official website of the Society to the Information Transmission Services of the National Institute of Informatics

  • Dec.,2002

    The Kansai Branch decided to dissolve its branch at the general meeting (It was officially dissolved at the end of March 2003.)
    The Society’s Annual Conference decided to hold annual meetings

  • 2003

    Entrusted its operations to the Business Center for Academic Societies of Japan

  • Oct.,2004

    Transferred its operations back to the Society’s secretarial division due to the bankruptcy of the Business Center for Academic Societies of Japan

  • Jun.,2005

    Made additions to the bylaws regarding fellow members and organizational members of the Japanese Society for Theatre Research

  • Jun.,2006

    Elected AMANO Fumio as the seventh chairperson at the general meeting
    Entrusted the Society’s operations to the Academic Society Assistance Center
    Joined the Association of Art-Related Societies due to the dissolution of the Art Studies Liaison Committee of the Science Council of Japan

  • Jul.,2006

    Renewed the design of Japanese Society for Theatre Research Bulletin, with No.68

  • 2007

    Made Theatre Studies: Journal of Japanese Society for Theatre Research biannual, starting with No.46

  • 2010

    As of December, 2010, 630 members, including fellow members

  • Aug.,2011年

    Cohosted FIRT/IFTR Annual Conference 2011 Osaka

  • may,.2012

    Changed the official website of the Society’s URL

  • jun,.2014

    Elected NAGATA Yasushi as the eighth chairperson at the general meeting
    Moved the office to Meiji University Drama and Theatre Arts course, School of Arts and Letters

  • Apr,.2017

    Outsourced part of the office work to Mainichi Academic Form Inc.

  • 2021

    Discontinued News Letter and established Member’s Page on web
    As of May, 2021, 580 members, including fellow members

  • Oct,.2021

    Renewed official web site

  • jun,.2022

    Elected KOSUGE Hayato as the ninth chairperson at the general meeting
    Moved the office to Tamagawa University College of Arts Department of Theatre and Performance

  • Outline of Society