J-PEST J-Theatre Pandeminar Series 「日本の劇作家、プロデューサー、パフォーマーは『コロナ禍』とどう向き合い、何を望んだか?」 オンラインイベント
公開日:2022-02-24 / 更新日:2022-02-24
- オンラインイベント(zoom、要登録)
- 使用言語:英語
- 日時:2022年2月24日-3月24日 毎週木曜日 10:30-12:30 (JST) (GMT+09:00)
- 初回のセミナーは終了しております。
- 詳細はこちら
- tps://drive.google.com/file/d/1HzgM5IXaXxOziZiRECxcri2T4QgyyFNR/view
- こちらよりご登録ください。
- https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/d44691c5733613
- ご質問等はメールにてお問い合わせください。
- J-theatrepandeminar★gmail.com(★をアットマークに換えてご送信ください)
J-PEST(Japanese Performance Electronic Salon Talk)は、COVID-19によるパンデミックが日本や世界のパフォーマンスにどのような影響を与えたのかを議論するために、2020年5月から開始した国内外の研究者によるオンライン研究会です。J-Theatre Pandeminar Seriesは、パフォーマンスの専門家と日本のプロデューサー、演者、教師が、COVID-19の広がりに日本の演劇がどう対処してきたかを模索する対話シリーズとして毎週開催されます。
J-PEST cordially invites you to a series of online seminars examining aspects of the effects of Covid on Japanese theatre.
J-PEST J-Theatre Pandeminar Series
How are Japanese playwrights, producers & performers coping & hoping “with Covid”
Online Zoom event (registration required)/English as working language
Feb 24-Mar 24 Thursdays@10:30am-12:30pm (JST)
(GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time (The 1st seminar has ended)
Please find details here:
Registration here:
For further information:
J-theatrepandeminar★gmail.com (anti-spam measure: please replace star with an at sign)
Jonah Salz, Ryukoku University, Faculty of International Studies
jonah★world.ryukoku.ac.jp (anti-spam measure: please replace star with an at sign)
J-PEST (Japanese Performance Electronic Salon Talk) is an online research group of Japanese and foreign scholars begun in May 2020 to discuss the effects of the Covid crisis on Japanese and global performance.The J-Theatre Pandeminar Series is a weekly series of conversations among performance specialists and Japanese producers, performers, and teachers exploring how Japanese theatre has coped with the spread of Covid -19 since March 2020. We will be:
1. examining historical precedents and contexts for the present crises .
2. interrogating theatre producers, performers, and teachers about their varied strategic and accidental methods born of necessity over two years.
3. seeking themes emerging from new playwrights and festival programming.
4. examining how spectatorship changes when “live theatre” becomes not merely a luxury, but a scarcity?
5. predicting which mediated ways of teaching and performing will continue beyond the pandemic.
- *English is the working language, although some sessions may only be held in Japanese with interpretation
- J-PEST (Japanese Performance Electronic Salon Talk) is an online research group begun in May 2020 to discuss the effects of the Covid crisis on Japanese and global performance
- Sessions are conducted in English, unless otherwise indicated
- Part 1 & Part 2 will each last approximately 60 minutes, with a short break in between. Please feel free to join for any and all of the sessions. Q & A and chat feedback will be available for all sessions
- Weekly sessions are independent: feel free to attend one or many with a single registration
- Changes, supplementary materials, and more detailed information will be shared with registrants
SCHEDULE: 10:30 a.m. Thursdays (JST) on Zoom/Registration required:
FEB. 24 Playwrighting during Covid (This seminar has ended)
Workshop Play-reading: Love―No Filter/Translator: Jeremy Kuhles
· Cast: J-Pest members
· Director: Tina Rosner, Meiji University
Dialogue: Playwright Momoko Takeda with Cody Poulton
· Moderator: Mari Boyd, Sophia University
MAR. 3 Theatre festivals: past, present & future
Presentations: Mounting a theatre festival under Covid
· Chiaki Soma, Artistic director, Theater Commons, Theater der Welt 2023
· Juliet Knapp, Co-Director, Kyoto Experiment
Roundtable: Guests & panelists
· Peter Eckersall, City University of New York
· Andrew Eglinton, Konan Women’s University
· Moderator: Cody Poulton, University of Victoria
MAR. 10 Theatre with Corona in Japan
Roundtable: Folk, popular & public stages today
· Claudia Orenstein, Hunter College, CUNY/Fulbright fellow
· Mika Eglinton, Kobe University of Foreign Languages Rina Tanaka, Meiji University
· Maho Watanabe, translator & dramaturg
Dialogue: Intercultural & sustainable performance practice
· Jun Tsutsui, playwright, director & dramaturg (dracom)
· Moderator: Corey Wakeling, Kobe College
MAR. 17 Noh-Kyogen & Covid: Training & Performance Covid-19:
Presentations: Kyogen training overseas
· Julie A. Iezzi, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa Laurence Kominz Portland State University
Presentations: Noh training domestically & overseas
· Diego Pellecchia, Kyoto Sangyō University
· John Oglevee, Theatre Nohgaku
· Kinue Oshima, Kita School Noh Actor
· Moderator: Jonah Salz, Ryukoku University
MAR. 24 Special Lecture & Performance viewing:Beckett / Japan / Noho Theatre Group@40 40
(Co-sponsored by Ryukoku University Faculty of International Studies)
Presentation: Beckett in crisis in Japan
· Mariko Tanaka, Aoyama University
· Moderator: Corey Wakeling, Kobe College
Dialogue: Reflecting on the Noho Theatre Group@40
· Akira Shigeyama, Okura School Kyogen actor Moderator: Jonah Salz, Ryukoku University
Showing: Under an Umbrella, in the Rain Adapted from a short story by Yuten Sawanishi
· Talkback with playwright & performers
· Moderator: Peter Eckersall, City University of New York
Sponsored by the Research Institute for International Society and Culture (RIISC)’s Collaborative Research Project Education, Research, & Practices of Arts & Media Culture in the post-COVID 19 era
主催 ポスト・コロナ時代における芸術・メディア文化の教育研究と実践活動
問い合わせJonah Salz, Ryukoku University, Faculty of International Studies