Beckett/Japan/Noho Theatre Group@40 Performance 「ベケット/能」能法劇団創立40周年記念公演
公開日:2022-03-19 / 更新日:2022-03-19
Thursday, March 24th 2022
10:30 a.m.-13:00 (JST) (GMT+09:00) Japan Standard Time
Online Zoom lecture & performance (English)
(registration required)
Ryukoku University’s Intercultural Studies Association (ISA) and J-PEST present an online lecture and performance premiere to commemorate the Noho Theatre Group’s 40th anniversary.
第1部では、サミュエル・ベケット演劇研究の第一人者である堀真理子が、傷を抱える社会の変容の中で生み出された、不運にも現在にも当てはまる劇文学とパフォーマンスについて「大災害後における環境危機としてのパンデミック:サミュエル・ベケットから鈴木忠志、別役実へ」 と題し議論します。
- Part 1
- In Part 1, Mariko Hori Tanaka, leading scholar of the plays of Samuel Beckett, discusses the unfortunately timely dramatic literature and theatrical performance created during traumatic societal transformations: “Pandemic as an Environmental Crisis in the Post-catastrophe Age: From Samuel Beckett to Suzuki Tadashi & Betsuyaku Minoru.”
- Part 2
- In Part 2, co-founders of the Noho Theatre Group in 1981, traditional comic actor Akira Shigeyama and Jonah Salz, introduce Noho’s history of interpretations of Beckett’s short plays employing Noh-Kyogen techniques, focusing on the concepts of “mu” (無) and “ma” (間) in both Beckett and noh-kyogen aesthetics.
- In Part 2, co-founders of the Noho Theatre Group in 1981, traditional comic actor Akira Shigeyama and Jonah Salz, introduce Noho’s history of interpretations of Beckett’s short plays employing Noh-Kyogen techniques, focusing on the concepts of “mu” (無) and “ma” (間) in both Beckett and noh-kyogen aesthetics.
- Part 3
- Part 3 sees the world premiere of Noho’s latest piece, Under an Umbrella, in the Rain based on the short story by Subaru-award winning novelist Yusuke Sawanishi, performed by noh master Akira Matsui. A Talkback session follows.
Registration HERE
For further information: J-theatrepandeminar★ (Anti-spam measure: please change ★ to @ to send an e-mail)
Jonah Salz, Ryukoku University, Faculty of International Studies jonah★ (Please change ★ to @ to send an e-mail)
This is Session 5 in the J-PEST J-Theatre Pandeminar Series: How are Japanese playwrights, producers & performers coping & hoping “with Covid”
Online Zoom event (registration required)/English as working language
Sponsored by the Research Institute for International Society and Culture (RIISC)’s Collaborative Research Project Education, Research, & Practices of Arts & Media Culture in the post-COVID 19 era 「ポスト・コロナ時代における芸術・メディア文化の教育研究と実践活動